Travelling through the north of Namibia we saw them more and more: the stately Herero women dressed in beautiful, colourful Victorian dresses.
With their characteristic, wide-spreading hats.
Behind those hats lies a story of perseverance.
Until the colonists entered the land of the Herero and imposed their values, standards and rules, the Herero women wore cow horns as headgear.
The European colonists found that uncivilised and demanded that the Herero women who came to work for them adapt to their own dress code: Victorian dresses and matching, 'decent' hats.
The Herero women did that, but in their own way. With their own colourful batik fabrics they created their own Herero Victorian dresses. And by rolling up a newspaper in the cheerful fabric, they imitated the horns.
With that perseverance they held on to their culture and preserved their dignity.
Looking at the Herero woman in this mirror, you imagine yourself in her world for a moment. And you will undoubtedly notice differences.
At the same time, you have certainly had to be persistent in your life? When have you shown perseverance, like the Herero woman?